Daily Archives: November 13, 2018

‘Buy, hold and hope’ never more dangerous than today

As the US dollar Index (DXY) strengthens to a new 52-week high above 97, commodities are tanking along with global growth prospects into 2019, and North American government bonds are rising. Oil is down for a record 12th straight day … Continue reading

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Shilling on peaking interest rates and US dollar upcycle

Gary Shilling, President of A. Gary Shilling, on the dollar, markets, and interest rates.  Here is a direct audio link. ‘Could Be Getting Close To Peak Interest Rates: Shilling (Radio)’ by Bloomberg Markets AM Interviews https://t.co/DogsCE4mO7 — Danielle Park (@kdaniellepark) … Continue reading

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US slowdown trajectory continues

Missed the segment below last week, it reviews key points on the global downturn in motion. Sri-Kumar is a rare independent analyst that still appears on mainstream business media. As I have mentioned previously, out-performance of the US economy and … Continue reading

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