UN: ‘Governments must stop subsidizing fossil fuels’

Another day another urgent warning on climate catastrophe, this time from the UN, see World must triple efforts or face catastrophic climate change:

“New taxes on fossil fuels, investment in clean technology and much stronger government policies to bring down emissions are likely to be necessary. Governments must also stop subsidising fossil fuels, directly and indirectly, the UN said.

Gunnar Luderer, one of the authors of the UN report and senior scientist at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germany, said: “There is still a tremendous gap between words and deeds, between the targets agreed by governments and the measures to achieve these goals.

“Only a rapid turnaround here can help. Emissions must be reduced by a quarter by 2030 [to keep warming to no more than 2C (3.6F) above pre-industrial levels] and for 1.5C emissions would have to be halved.”

Business–as–usual is the road to economic ruin.  Meanwhile a growing wave of lawsuits for damages caused will continue to plague the companies, leaders and individuals who perpetrate and enable the status quo.  Who of us is making active steps and daily choices now to lead the change needed?

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