Corruption in finance runs deeper than most can fathom

Lawyer, and former bank regulator, Carmen Segarra explains why she decided to write her new book Noncompliant: A Lone Whistleblower Exposes the Giants of Wall Street” and what she ultimately hopes to accomplish by telling her story.  Note to listeners: ‘above the law’ actions and the ‘systemic culture of corruption’ as between finance, large corporations and government are worldwide, not just in the America.

“I don’t like to let the bad guys win…I’d rather go down swinging. So for me, I saw it as an opportunity to do my civic duty and rebuild my life… I was very lucky to be blessed by so many people who I shared the story to, especially lawyers who were so concerned about what I was reporting, who thought that the Federal Reserve was above this, who thought that the government would not fail us after the financial crisis, and who were livid.”  Here is a direct audio link.

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