Food Independence & Planetary Evolution

Our present food and sick care systems are not only financially unsustainable but also human life-defeating.  Understanding the issues and changes needed are critical to continued evolution.  This discussion is illuminating.

A triple board certified physician, master healer & consciousness, Zach Bush, MD is the founder and director of M Clinic, an integrative medicine center in Charlottesville, Virginia and simply put, one of the most compelling medical minds currently working to improve our understanding of human and environmental health.  Here is a direct video link.

For a useful overview of how food independence versus centralized control have impacted social stability and unrest through centuries of human history, I am presently reading Joe Studwell’s excellent book How Asia Works:  Success and failure in the world’s most dynamic region.  Human history is highly cyclical! Knowing what came before helps us understand where we are at today and where we are likely to head next.

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