Monthly Archives: March 2019

Financial sales force continues to resist duty of care

The US Labor Department’s rule requiring a fiduciary standard of care from advisors giving retirement advice was quashed last summer, and no federal efforts on this critical front have since materialized.  The industry-friendly SEC meanwhile put forward a watered-down Reg … Continue reading

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After the boom: the future of Australia’s housing market

Buying at irrational levels on the belief that prices can only go up is the definition of speculation, not investing, and financial pain in speculation are the norm not the exception.  There are familiar themes in this story for Canada … Continue reading

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The upside inherent in bear markets

John Hussman does an excellent job this month in highlighting how richly-valued stock prices compare with the central bank’s much smaller ‘put’ power in Ground Rules of Existence: One has to remember that the current market capitalization of U.S. corporate … Continue reading

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