Monthly Archives: March 2019

VW moving from emissions fraudster to EV leader

In 2015 it was revealed that Volkswagen (along with many other manufacturers) had been cheating emissions standards in its diesel vehicles.  To date, the fraud has cost the company over 27 billion euros in penalties and fines, as well as … Continue reading

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Plunge in semiconductor sales warns on global economy

Semiconductors are a critical component of everything that is computerized in modern human life.  ECRI’s Achuthan explains that the 20% ‘collapse’ in semi demand to a 10-year low in growth, belies the 21% rebound in the semiconductor stock index year-to-date. … Continue reading

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How to know when the economy is ‘financialized’

The masses are now wise to how extractive forces of extreme financialization are undermining strength and stability in the economy and social order –the pendulum is in process.  These issues will continue to demand political attention as strains worsen. The … Continue reading

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