Monthly Archives: March 2019

Jacobson: 95% of technology needed for energy transition available now

Mark Jacobson, Stanford University Associate Professor tells Katy Tur we have most of the technology needed to convert the existing electric grid to clean energy.  Here is a direct video link.

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CFPB working well for law-abusing lenders

Further to my post  The indefensible predatory business of payday loans, US Senate hearings today on the record of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau since lender-friendly directors, appointed by the Trump admin, began running the agency speaks volumes. The @CFPB … Continue reading

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The push back from smartphones and return of attentive humans

The Canadian Press is reporting today that Ontario will issue a directive this week to ban cell phone use in public school classrooms starting in the 2019-20 school year. This is a positive development in the quest to replace smartphones … Continue reading

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