Marketplace looks at our plastic plague and action needed

As always, intolerance from consumers is a critical part of driving change.  This requires thinking people to actively seek alternate products and producers that minimize plastic packaging, as well as bringing our own containers and bags to stores and leaving plastic packaging piled up at the checkout where necessary.  When it happens enough, store managers and owners take note.  See Intolerance for plastic pushing producers to change.

With its deep fossil fuel industry ties (90% of present plastics are petroleum-based), Canada is far behind the EU and other countries in banning non-biodegradeable single-use plastics.  We have to dramatically reduce packaging, and where plastics are wanted make them from plants and other biodegradable materials; time for bold actions.  There are already solutions like combining natural rubber with bio-plastic which are stronger and more felxible than petro-plastics. A ban on non-biodegradable plastics would focus investment and demand on sustainable packaging types.  See Study shows potential for earth-friendly plastic replacement.

We name and rate the top five most outrageously overpackaged products, and we take them all to our federal environment minister Catherine McKenna to see what’s being done to minimize the waste. All companies agree plastic is a big problem but most won’t agree to make change. So will government act? After our interview, she promises changes coming in June.Here is a direct video link.

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