Daily Archives: April 15, 2019

Canadian households at point of hard return

At 1.1%, the Canadian savings rate is today near all-time lows, while Canadian debt is at all-time highs, and unemployment is set to move higher. Years of reckless financial policies have driven Canada to the point of hard return.  This … Continue reading

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Jim Grant: central banks are arsonists masquerading as firefighters

A recent print interview with credit analyst Jim Grant is worth reading, see The world-wide suppression of interest rates has been something very near a crime.  Couldn’t agree more, to wit: “…the suppression of interest rates has served to advantage … Continue reading

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Tapped out consumers driving retail losses and store closures

A new week and more data suggesting that the credit-driven consumption peak is behind us this cycle, see Malls see a tsunami of store-closures as foot-traffic declines. While deep discounting brought some resurgence of shoppers into 2018, merchandisers selling at … Continue reading

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