Monthly Archives: April 2019

Special interest groups writing cut and paste laws in their favor

When powerful special interest groups are allowed to write preferrential laws for themselves and their industries, damaging public policy is the norm evident in most countries today. Each year, state lawmakers across the U.S. introduce thousands of bills dreamed up and written by corporations, … Continue reading

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Canada maxed out

A decade of ultra-low interest rates and lax lending enabled Canadians to borrow and spend their way into a state of extreme financial fragility.  Today Canadian households are world leaders in terms of average household debt that is 180% of … Continue reading

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Alternative lending has helped enable housing bust in Canada

This take from a Vancouver real estate agent is basic and yet little understood by many.  This credit-cycle-induced downturn is now underway folks.  Although, it is certainly not ‘unprecedented’.  It is common for people to misunderstand or miss the historical … Continue reading

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