Monthly Archives: April 2019

Australian housing bust continues

This clip offers a good update on issues affecting the Australian property market, households and the economy overall.  There are many parallels to Canada as well. When it comes to housing bubbles, the bigger the bubble, the bigger the pop. … Continue reading

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60 Minutes Australia looks at the recycling lie

Recycling non-biodegradable plastics into other non-biodegradable plastics is a stop-gap measure. The solution requires us to greatly reduce the use of plastics and require that the ones needed be made out of biodegradable materials.  Time to speak up and act. … Continue reading

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Danielle on The Financial Survival Network

Danielle was a guest on The Financial Survival Network with Kerry Lutz talking about recent developments in the world economy and markets.  You can listen to an audio recording of the segment here. Listen to “Financial Survival Network” on Spreaker.

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