Monthly Archives: May 2019

Worthwhile read: The Fifth Risk

I just finished Michael Lewis’s latest book, The Fifth Risk: Undoing Democracy. Lewis examines key US government departments like Agriculture, Commerce (which should be called the ministry of data on things like weather and food production), and Energy. He describes … Continue reading

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Risk-markets take a thumping in May

Risk assets have taken a fresh thumping in May.  As of last night, the S&P 500 index was down 5.5% on the month, with energy (-9.2%), technology (-8%), materials (-7.4%), industrials (-7.1%) and financials (-5.6%) faring worst, and so-called ‘defensives’: … Continue reading

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How electric vehicles work

This ten minute primer is well done.  Regenerative braking is one of the coolest parts. Electric cars are making big waves in the automobile world. These noise-free, pollution-free and high-performance vehicles are expected to make their I.C. engine counterparts obsolete … Continue reading

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