Daily Archives: May 2, 2019

Expensive properties leading sales and price slump

Easy money and speculative inflows enabled the Greater Toronto (GTA) and Greater Vancouver (GVA) areas to notoriously become some of the most unaffordable property markets in the world over the last decade. The latest data from the Real Estate Board showed … Continue reading

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Hunt: US economy set to decline through 2019

Lacy Hunt of Hoisington Management offers valuable historical and economic insight on the current monetary and demographic forces shaping the world. Hoisington’s quarterly market letter is a must read, and the latest Q1 report is available here.  For those who … Continue reading

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Pepsi suing for exclusive ownership of potatoes?

No corporation should be able to own and control the earth’s basic food staples.  Trying to do so screams of anit-trust prosecutions ripe for the bringing.  Pepsi already diverts fresh water supplies for its profit the world over, next they … Continue reading

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