Monthly Archives: June 2019

Processed foods driving escalating sick-care costs

Based on 2015 Statistics Canada data a new study from the University of Montreal finds  that ultra-processed foods (including carbonated drinks, mass-produced cookies, ice cream, and sweetened yogurts) make up 47% of the average daily calories consumed by adults, and … Continue reading

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Danielle on The Financial Survival Network

Danielle was a guest on The Financial Survival Network with Kerry Lutz, talking about recent developments in the world economy and markets.  You can listen to an audio clip of the segment here. Listen to “Danielle Park – Having an … Continue reading

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Warren’s best recommendation for President: Wall Street doesn’t want her

Seventy-three percent of Canadians recently polled said that ethics would be a paramount issue influencing their vote in the upcoming Federal election.  Given the daily news flow, this is not surprising.  Presumptions of basic ethical standards and conduct have been … Continue reading

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