Monthly Archives: June 2019

Ask your financial advisor to sign a pledge of fiduciary duty to you

The SEC caved to the broker/dealer lobby again yesterday (See SEC’s so-called best-interests rule is a fraud, that protects industry profits, not investors) and refused to hold everyone giving investment recommendations to a fiduciary standard of care. It is past … Continue reading

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Animal agriculture draining world water supplies

A 2016 study by water scientists published in the research journal Scientific Reports found that during the 20th century, 14% of the global population lived with insufficient water to provide for human needs.  Today, water insufficiency has leapt to nearly … Continue reading

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The economic hits keep coming

Let’s see…we have semiconductor sales down 24% since October and oil prices (WTI) down 20% since April, the most negative yield spreads between 7- to 10-year bonds and their 1-to 3-year counterparts since the tech bubble, a contraction in global … Continue reading

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