Monthly Archives: June 2019

Hemp: a biodegradable replacement for many petrochemical materials

Naturally-occurring, hemp can be used to manufacture many biodegradable products to replace those presently derived from petroleum, such as plastics. See Industrial Hemp is the answer to petrochemical dependency: Industrial hemp, not to be confused with marijuana, was recently removed … Continue reading

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How 5G will change our life in 2019

The next wave of connected devices demands machine to machine communication in real time.  This video explains some of the benefits and challenges presently at hand. It has been nearly a decade in the making, but 5G is finally becoming … Continue reading

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Danielle on The Financial Survival Network

Danielle was a guest with Kerry Lutz on The Finanancial Survival Network talking about recent developments in the world economy and markets.  You can listen to an audio clip of the segment here. Listen to “Danielle Park – China’s Debt … Continue reading

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