Monthly Archives: June 2019

Lower prices necessary to restore housing affordability

Hilliard MacBeth, author of “When the Bubble Bursts.” joins BNN Bloomberg for his take on the B-20 mortgage stress test and why Canadians may need stricter requirements in order to avoid a real estate crash.  Here is a direct video … Continue reading

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World Oceans Day: time to act on plastics

Tomorrow, June 8, is World Oceans Day.  Fossil-fuel based plastics are degrading all our water systems, but many people are not yet appreciating the threat to human health. See Microplastics have invaded the deep ocean–and the food chain. University of Victoria … Continue reading

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Danielle on Talk Digital Network

Danielle was a guest with Jim Goddard on Talk Digital Network talking about recent developments on the world economy and markets.  Here is a direct audio link.

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