Monthly Archives: December 2019

Leaping finance costs are canary in coal mine for highly indebted corporate sector

Over the past 21 months, selling in ‘junk’ grade CCC corporate bonds has pushed their prices down and average yield up from 7.7% in February 2018 to 11.31% by November 2019—a massive 46% increase in borrowing costs for highly indebted … Continue reading

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Thought-stimulating read: Winners Take All

This book is hard-hitting and unsettling with thought-provoking observations on the social and economic challenges afoot as we move into the ’20s. Technology, wealth concentration, social upheaval, the decline of intellectual rigour, ‘thought leaders’ and receding respect for the status … Continue reading

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Financial shell game continues in full vigor

Last month, eleven years after the events, a judge in Milan sentenced 13 former executives of three major banks to multi-year prison terms for actions they took to hide trading losses at their institutions in 2008. This is significant since … Continue reading

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