Thought-stimulating read: Winners Take All

This book is hard-hitting and unsettling with thought-provoking observations on the social and economic challenges afoot as we move into the ’20s.

Technology, wealth concentration, social upheaval, the decline of intellectual rigour, ‘thought leaders’ and receding respect for the status quo, all worth a mull.  We do not have to agree with all the ideas here, but if we only consume ideas that make us comfortable, we do ourselves a great disservice.  Substantive change is messy, best to try and understand from whence it is coming.

See  Winners Take All:  The Elite Charade of Changing the World.  Author Anand Girdharadas appeared with Steve Paikin on The Agenda in December.

Are billionaires such as Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates the American Dream personified? Do they reflect a healthy economy? Or, as Senator Bernie Sanders has said, should billionaires not exist in the first place? Anand Giridharadas, Time magazine editor-at-large and author of “Winners Take All: The Elite Charade of Changing the World,” discusses why he agrees with Sanders. As well, he gives his take on the Democratic hopefuls and whether or not any one of them can beat Donald Trump.  Here is a direct video link to the discussion.


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