Monthly Archives: December 2019

The necessary ‘R’ in battling waste epidemic is ‘refuse’

Since China stopped accepting mountains of our trash in 2018, it’s become clear that most of our waste is not recycled and “reduce, reuse and refuse.” is the necessary mantra for consumers and policymakers.   See The Atlantic:  Is this … Continue reading

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The dark side of electronic waste recycling

Electronic waste is a hazardous and difficult form of garbage to manage. Though a lot of e-waste can be recycled responsibly, many e-waste processors choose instead to ship it overseas for junkyards in poorer nations to deal with. Remarkably, exporting … Continue reading

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Following the trail of ‘fantastically profitable mystery’ trades

In one of his last interviews in October 2018, former Fed giant Paul Volcker warned that money was corrupting politics, policy, and so-called free markets, and that “better, stronger supervisory powers” are needed. One area of interest is a trail … Continue reading

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