Lacy Hunt on “flailing” Fed and deteriorating financial conditions

Dr. Hunt of Hoisington Management is one of the rare seasoned analysts who’re both independent (not paid to sell corporate securities to the public) and disciplined in his macro measurements. This video discussion (taped on February 7) offers many useful insights and context for our present conditions and likely next developments.

Since the Federal Reserve began repurchase operations late last summer, many members of the media, market participants, and spectators alike have been up in arms over this recent round of Fed balance sheet expansion – calling it another round of QE. Lacy Hunt, the chief economist at Hoisington Investment Management Co., tells Danielle DiMartino Booth of Quill Intelligence why the latest version of the Fed’s monetary policy is not more quantitative easing.

Hunt argues that, in fact, the Fed’s repo operations are an effort to keep the banking system alive. Here is a direct video link.

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