Daily Archives: March 16, 2020

It’s never too late to learn from mistakes and make better choices

It is entirely rational for the masses to be concerned about their financial holdings and plan.  Most have been set up to suffer greatly in this downcycle. In case you missed it last week, see my articles Friday the 13th:  … Continue reading

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Exponential math explained–good time for a recap

Exponential math is very hard to grasp.  Every person with the COVID-19 virus infects approximately two people. Some less, some more. The infection rate doubles every six days.  That means that if 50,000 people have the virus today, then in … Continue reading

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Cash needed for operating and realty buys should be nowhere near equity markets

It is a classic financial error to put funds that are needed for operating expenses, or a capital purchase like real estate, or another asset, into publicly-traded financial products like equities, corporate debt (or funds and ETFs of them). Unfortunately, … Continue reading

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