Exponential math explained–good time for a recap

Exponential math is very hard to grasp.  Every person with the COVID-19 virus infects approximately two people. Some less, some more. The infection rate doubles every six days.  That means that if 50,000 people have the virus today, then in 6 days, 100,000 people will have it. In another 12 days it’s 400,000 and less than two weeks later it’s over a million people.  We have 330 million people in the US. The experts expect that 40-70% of people will be infected. Exponential growth does not take that long to get to those scary high numbers. Every six days we delay, the number of infections double.  This YouTube video does a great job of explaining this.

Also see or listen to the audio reading of this article: A COVID-19 coronavirus update from concerned physicians.

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