60 Minutes Australia: COVID-19 whistleblowers silenced by China

Travelling in Spain over Christmas, I came down with terrible flu: head and body aches, fever, violent dry cough, exhaustion. I was on the couch for a few days and coughing for a couple of weeks.  I did not pass it on to my family, amazingly, and I think this suggests it was not a coronavirus.  But knowing now that COVID-19 was spreading from at least mid-November, many people are wondering about virus symptoms they had last fall.

Mid-November in Wuhan, China, and cases of a strange new flu start surfacing. In a sprawling city of 11 million people, the coronavirus, our invisible brutal enemy was born – festering at least a month and a half before the world was told. In January President Xi Jinping made a decision that would ultimately condemn the world: allowing 5 million people to leave the epicentre of the virus without being screened.  Here is a direct video link.

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