Debt free in 30: Stress in Canada’s mortgage market

All types of debt have exploded in recent years due to indiscriminate lending and appetite for excessive borrowing which enabled an epic wave of real estate speculation and household spending.  This was always doomed to end in a firestorm of defaults and contracting credit. COVID-19 has presented an overdue spark.

How has COVID-19, job loss, declining income, and physical distancing impacted the mortgage industry? And how are home values going to be affected by all this? Enter Ron Butler. Ron is a seasoned mortgage broker and a first-time guest on the Debt Free in 30 podcast. On today’s show, we discuss the current real estate market and what will happen when the lockdown is over; why banks are tightening HELOC availability for borrowers; and why now may not be the best time to refinance your mortgage if you are carrying unsecured debt. Ron also provides insight into the ‘death’ of the private mortgage industry and describes the new world of mortgage lending. There’s lots to learn from this mortgage insider.  Here is a direct video link.

Not just in Canada, see Here’s why it’s much harder to get a mortgage, or even refinance.

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