Daily Archives: April 16, 2020

Shilling: global recession will last into 2021, stocks headed lower

Economist A. Gary Shilling says the recession of 2020 is likely to last into 2021 and drive lasting behavioral changes globally. Here is a direct video link.

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Overdue train wreck unfolding in Canada’s highly-levered realty markets

As Canada’s manufacturing and oil sector shrunk over the last decade, real estate and residential construction became the economy’s largest sector accounting for 15% of GDP in 2019.  Low rates, lax lending and debt-enabling government policies helped Canadians to go … Continue reading

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Historically, pandemics have been deflationary

Undersaved, over-levered households and businesses were overdue for a secular shift to more self-preserving financial management well before the pandemic hit.  Now, new research points out that COVID-19 may well solidify that behavioural shift for years hereafter and fuel deflationary … Continue reading

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