Pandemic upside: eating more fresh veg and less packaged food

A study from the University of Antwerp, Belgium surveyed 11,000 shoppers in 11 different countries, including Canada, and found that during the pandemic shutdown shoppers have cut spending on ready-made meals and snacks, are cooking more of their own food and using more fresh fruit and vegetables.  In the process, most report lower food waste and spending.

In the end, the pandemic is a health and financial crisis, and eating fresh, home-cooked meals better bolsters health and resilience on both fronts.  Hopefully, these new habits will stick.  See Locked down shoppers turn to vegetables, shun ready-made meals.

Moreover, teaching children how to prepare food from scratch at home is part of how parents pass on love, culture and self-sufficiency training.  Beats time on Netflix and social media by a country mile.  This clip made me smile this morning.

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