David Austin discusses Black Radicalism in Canada

Providing equal socio-economic opportunity and pay for equal work to all is the most effective prosperity ‘stimulus’ we can deploy as a nation; and we need this now more than ever.

It is important for Canadians to understand our own history of systemic discrimination against indigenous and other people of colour, as well as other minority groups. David Austin is one of the most articulate historians on the topic of race in Canada.

Racial conflict and the Black Power movement of the 1960s have long been seen as American phenomena, but in 1968, Montreal’s black activists rose up in protest against racial discrimination and exclusion. Their struggle is documented in David Austin’s book “Fear of a Black Nation: Race, Sex and Security in Sixties Montreal. ” David Austin sits down with Piya Chattopadhyay for a feature interview on Canada’s history of black radicalism. Here is a direct video link.

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