Daily Archives: July 23, 2020

Financial fantasy has led most to a nightmare

The WSJ Daily Shot chart below (since 1990) shows the unprecedented gap between the S&P 500 index price (red) and after-tax corporate profits (in black).   The disconnect is wider today than the previous tech bubble top in 1997-2000. Although bulls … Continue reading

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Disease spreading to humans from animals is a constant

Coronavirus is far from the only ‘zoonosis’, or disease spread by animals; many millions are affected globally by others every year.  For a helpful big picture review from the UK Telegraph see Diseases jumping from animals to humans is not … Continue reading

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Rethinking Food and Agriculture amid the greatest recession

Further to yesterday’s article Non-animal food:  here to stay, and my July 2 article Rethinking Canada during the greatest recession, Tony Seba’s group ReThinx has published a worthwhile update on the technological disruption now transforming status quo thinking and systems … Continue reading

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