Monthly Archives: July 2020

Embracing the timeless “Three Cs”

Having recently read several books on the history of pandemics, I am reminded that their recurrence and human behaviour have been consistent throughout the millennium.  And it is typical for incumbent politicians and policymakers to downplay spread risks in an … Continue reading

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Banks and borrowers not in quick recovery

While the tech and the precious metals sector have to date recovered sharply from the first leg of the 2020 market plunge, other more economically reflective sectors like financials, energy and real estate investment trusts are not feeling the same … Continue reading

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The real economy has a message for stocks–and it’s not bullish

After plummeting between February 20 and March 23, the S&P 500 (below in white) rebounded sharply and is closing in on levels that prevailed at the start of this year. Unemployment meanwhile (inverted in red below), is over three times … Continue reading

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