Monthly Archives: July 2020

20 million Americans at risk of eviction by September

The pandemic has intensified rent burden on households across the nation. We spoke to an economist about what it means for the economy. Here is a direct video link.

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Dead weight: more government subsidies for ‘the haves’

Debt-funded government subsidies that further enrich ‘the haves’ are not economic stimulus but rather dead weight with a negative multiplier effect that reduces productivity and critical investment for years to come. Billionaires, country clubs, private jet companies and Kanye West … Continue reading

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Connecting dots between Nortel’s collapse and the ascent of Huawei

Nortel was Canada’s star company into the 2000 cycle peak before a spectacular collapse crushed retirement savings across the land.   The usual irrational exuberance, extreme overvaluation and complacent management undoubtedly played a leading role; but a new investigation also connects … Continue reading

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