Monthly Archives: August 2020

Cost-cutting is a necessity with many legs

The COVD-19 shock is unfolding in phases.  The first was the global shutdown and market collapse into the end of the first quarter. The second was a bounce in economic data and asset prices into the summer as central banks … Continue reading

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Engineering the Future of Food

A new Netflix documentary, A Life on Our Planet, features naturalist Sir David Attenborough encouraging people to cut down on meat to help the planet:  “We must change our diet. The planet can’t support billions of meat-eaters. If we had … Continue reading

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ReThinx update: Rapid total energy transformation underway

We’re on the cusp of the most profound disruption of the energy sectors in over a century. We’re not facing a slow energy transition, we’re facing a rapid and total energy transformation and it’s already begun. The disruption is inevitable … Continue reading

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