Monthly Archives: November 2020

Margin of safety is job number one

Bullish equity sentiment at 59.2% was at an eye-watering 40 points above bearish sentiment (19.4%) in last week’s Investors Intelligence Data. Heavily indebted amid high unemployment and low yields, a desperate retail crowd has once more joined long-always managers and … Continue reading

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How mRNA vaccines work

This report was published in September before the November phase three trial results from Pizer/BioNTech and Moderna were announced.  Worthwhile overview. More than 30 biotech and pharmaceutical companies around the world are racing to develop a safe Covid-19 vaccine. The … Continue reading

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Danielle’s bi-weekly market update

Danielle was a guest with Jim Goddard on Talk Digital Network, talking about the world economy and markets. You can listen to an audio clip of the segment here.

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