A Good War: Mobilizing Canada for the Climate Emergency

For some time, I’ve described the climate and pollution challenges at hand as our generation’s war effort.  Seth Klein comes to a similar conclusion in his new book, A Good War:  Mobilizing Canada for the Climate Emergency.  He joined CBC’s The Current last week to discuss.  Worth a listen; here’s a direct audio link.

There is a “new climate denialism” that is impeding efforts to fight the environmental crisis, according to a public policy expert who argues Canada must mobilize like it did for the Second World War.

“The new climate denialism is when our leaders say that they get the climate crisis, but then they don’t practise politics that aligns with what the science says we have to do,” said Seth Klein, the former B.C. director of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, and author of A Good War: Mobilizing Canada for the Climate Emergency.

“That is really the Phoney War period in which we currently live,” he told The Current’s Matt Galloway.

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