Monthly Archives: November 2020

Renewable energy and EVs have cost/benefit advantage

The energy sector in southern Alberta has over $2 billion worth of renewable energy projects being built in the region.  The related new jobs and tax revenue are much needed.  See: Southern Alberta witnessing ‘unprecedented’ surge in renewable energy projects. … Continue reading

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Surviving a recession is the real financial superpower

Experience attests that life is full of risk, every day in every way. Ego and spending commonly rise with income, asset prices and debt.  But humility and personal discipiline are the attributes that most define our financial health over time. … Continue reading

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There’s no free lunch, but there are healthy choices

In our world of sub 1% interest rates on guaranteed deposits and government bonds, many people have moved their savings into principal-insecure assets in the hopes of picking up more yield nickels in front of oncoming steamrollers. In the process, … Continue reading

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