Monthly Archives: November 2020

COVID-19 marathon now entering darkest phase to date

As priced-for-perfection public markets rally on COVID vaccine optimism, virus experts are calling for realism and renewed containment efforts.  See Canada clamps down on businesses again in new virus wave and Developing a Coronavirus vaccine is just the first step–distribution … Continue reading

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Personal discipline plays leading role in financial health

We cannot discern a person’s financial health based on their age or physical trappings.  Nor does a high income ensure financial security.  Many people figure this out with experience; some never do. As with our physical health, it is the … Continue reading

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Reassessing safe withdrawal rates from extremely valued assets

As I have noted many times, most people today have unrealistic expectations regarding what income their savings can ‘safely’ produce in retirement and, therefore, the amount of savings they need to sustain their spending once retired. A sustainable rate of … Continue reading

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