Government support must be tied to essential green targets

The compounding impacts of CO2 emissions will be an escalating cost for years to come, everything governments do now to support struggling sectors and stimulate spending during the pandemic should move us toward the larger imperative of sustainable resource management. This is especially true since we are piling on debt to pay for this support.  If funds spent now do not help to reduce future costs and waste, then our future will just get harder and harder to fund.

As much of the aviation industry fights to survive the coronavirus pandemic, some economists and engineers see the crisis as an opportunity to use stimulus funds to propel air travel to a carbon-neutral future.  Here is a direct video link.

Governments missed a huge opportunity to rein in and reorder the bubble-inducing, law-abusing finance sector in 2009 when taxpayer funds were handed out to them virtually condition-free.  Similarly, auto bailouts in 2008 should have been tied to EV production timelines.  We have paid an ongoing price for mal-investment in both sectors since.  We can’t afford to keep making the same mistakes.

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