Nine food tips from the world’s longest-living people

As we celebrate the holidays, we can enjoy delicious food and beverages and not make ourselves ill or above our healthy body weight.  Since we are going to the expense and effort of buying and preparing food for ourselves and our loved ones anyway, we might as well support good health in the process.  Delicious is one thing, but delicious and health-supporting for ourselves and the planet is a whole other level of awesomeness.

Longevity researcher Dan Buettner is the author of “The Blue Zones Solution” His latest bestseller, “The Blue Zones Kitchen,” fuses scientific reporting, photography and recipes.

For a quick summary of the top nine food tips from studies about centenarians, see  Buettner’s article:  ‘Ensure your diet is 90 to 100% plant-based’:  9 rules from the world’s longest-living people.

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