Rich Roll podcast: having the grit to keep growing

This discussion covers many of my favourite topics:  life stories, health, food, fitness, Wall Street, entrepreneurship, self-improvement, mental grit and finding balance.  (Warning:  this one does include a couple of f-bombs).  Happy Holidays.

To enter 2021 correctly, I sat down with Joe De Sena—one of the toughest people on the planet and the mastermind behind the Spartan obstacle course racing series that became a global phenomenon.

This is a conversation about turning quitters into people who commit. It’s about why doing hard things makes you better, happier and healthier. And it’s about the potential we all possess to catalyze radical transformation.

From the heart, Joe is bullshit-free and 100% authentic. His message is powerful. Entirely experience-based. And paired with practical tools fundamental to shattering stagnation. Here is a direct video link.

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