Monthly Archives: December 2020

UK virus mutation ‘out of control’

What happens in January will be significantly shaped by how socially disciplined individuals are over the next two weeks.  The nightmare is not nearly over yet. U.K. Health Secretary Matt Hancock warned that the new strain of the coronavirus is … Continue reading

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Nine food tips from the world’s longest-living people

As we celebrate the holidays, we can enjoy delicious food and beverages and not make ourselves ill or above our healthy body weight.  Since we are going to the expense and effort of buying and preparing food for ourselves and … Continue reading

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Classic: student first made gains before losing father’s $50 million trading stocks

The son of a Russian oligarch lost $50 million making risky trades while at university.  This is present madness writ large.  See:  A Russian oligarch’s son lost $50 million making risky trades at university: Temur’s trades weren’t always losing ones. … Continue reading

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