The great inflation debate

I first heard Jeremy Siegel speak when he was feverishly bullish on stocks and promoting the second edition of his book “Stocks for the Long-Run” in 1999 despite valuations and sentiment being at century-plus highs.  He’s not changed his thesis through two decades where stocks have dramatically underperformed the compound returns of treasury bonds.  His calls for inflation now still fly in the face of historical evidence suggesting the opposite.  Economist David Rosenberg articulates an opposing case well in this segment.

We have never seen a buildup in cash balances as we’ve seen now,” says Jeremy Siegel, Wharton finance professor. “I think anything connected to commodities, including land, is going to be a really good buy.” He joins ‘Closing Bell’ to discuss why he believes we will have higher inflation, which will ultimately hurt bond holders.  Here is a direct video link.

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