Daily Archives: March 12, 2021

Risk-seeking drives yields higher only until risky markets croak

With the US 10-year treasury yield pushing through 1.62 today, bond prices are in retreat and the yield back to where it was in early February 2020.  It’s as if the pandemic never began.  That is, except for all death … Continue reading

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3D-printed homes and communities part of lower cost solutions

The housing shortage also jump-started the fledgling business of 3D-printed homes. Several companies are now jumping in with plans for whole 3D-printed communities. One of them, Icon, which had already printed a small community in Austin, Texas, for the homeless, … Continue reading

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Jacobson on carbon capture scam and renewable energy world

Another worthwhile discussion. Robert talks with Mark Z. Jacobson all about the impact a 100% renewable world would bring. Is this really viable, if so, how will we adjust to it?  Here is a direct video link.

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