Monthly Archives: March 2021

Higher yields suggest attractive opportunity set for cash

Central banks cite COVID-decimated job markets as a reason to maintain rock-bottom overnight lending rates and bond-buying programs.  The trouble is that they have little power over the five to thirty-year bond yields that set consumer borrowing costs, and these … Continue reading

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$10.5 trillion in corporate debt is epic opportunity in the making

It’s not just small businesses that have piled on debt during the pandemic; as explained below, publicly traded companies have issued record ‘IOUs’ to income-desperate buyers over the past year.  Corporate debt prices rise and then fall with equity markets … Continue reading

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The unending Canadian housing boom?

The average rate on a common fixed-rate mortgage in Canada was a record-low 1.97 percent at the end of 2020.  This, along with taxpayer-backing that enables minimal down payments, has helped propel Candian home prices and household debt to world-leading … Continue reading

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