Monthly Archives: March 2021

Jacobson on carbon capture scam and renewable energy world

Another worthwhile discussion. Robert talks with Mark Z. Jacobson all about the impact a 100% renewable world would bring. Is this really viable, if so, how will we adjust to it?  Here is a direct video link.

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RethinkX explains trillion-dollar bubble in conventional energy assets

The mainstream financial analysis ignores the last decade of average capacity data trends and has helped to drive over-valuation and malinvestment in traditional energy sources and infrastructure worldwide.  The 18-minute clip below explains the ramifications. A large and rapidly-expanding global … Continue reading

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Another manic March

Twenty-one years ago this month…March 2000, what a time to be in stocks, I remember like it was yesterday.  The world had gotten through Y2K without any issues, technology was changing everything (again), the much-loved NASDAQ had doubled in just … Continue reading

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