Monthly Archives: March 2021

Concentration risk stalks retirement savings

Some of the largest funds held in retirement savings accounts–presumed to be well-diversified–are not.  This exposes holders to larger drawdown risk and volatility than most understand.  As hot stocks and sectors have pulled markets higher, their concentration in benchmarks and … Continue reading

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Equities offer hideous duration risk at record highs

The highest quality bonds have sold off-year to date while risky assets have leapt.  The opposite happened last February to March when risk assets last crashed.  The negative correlation offered by treasury bonds is extremely valuable in managing portfolio risk. … Continue reading

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Mark Z. Jacobson explains large-scale clean energy solutions

Mark Z. Jacobson is Director of the Atmosphere/Energy Program and Professor of Civil and Environmental  Engineering at Stanford University. He seeks to understand air pollution and global warming problems and to develop large-scale clean, renewable energy solutions to these major … Continue reading

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