Sleep is your superpower

I listened to this segment on Apple podcasts here while doing yard work yesterday.  I have posted it below in video format, but warning, it’s nearly three hours.

Eighteen years ago, with two small kids, my mom slipping into early-onset dementia, and my husband and I funnelling all of our resources into launching a new business, I developed chronic insomnia that lasted two years.  It was horrible, triggered general anxiety, and was one of the most challenging periods of my life to date.  I remember thinking, “Ah, this must be when people turn to drugs.”  I chose to increase my health nurturing habits and eventually got through it.  Today, I see my sleep as a daily spa treatment (a free one!)  My preference is rising by 5 am, so drifting off with a wave app by 8:30 pm is a cherished ritual.  It does curtail evening social time, to be sure, but mostly well worth the trade-off.  Today, I find many still act as if sleep is for wimps.  In fact, it’s a superpower for good health and maintenance.  Matthew Walker explains the many reasons why.

Your bad sleep habits are making you sick. Neuroscientist Matthew Walker joins me to explain why sleep is integral to every facet of your physical and mental health. To read more about Matthew and peruse the full show notes, go here👉🏾 Here is a direct video link.

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