Monthly Archives: May 2021

Rosenberg reviews inflation narrative

How well we interpret and respond to the inflation cycle defines longer-term investment outcomes more than anything else.  With the consensus now confidently in the accelerating inflation camp, alternate views are rare and worth considering.  David explains dominant factors well … Continue reading

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China steps up zero tolerance for commodity ‘speculators and hoarders’

As I explained here, because commodities and commodity futures are widely stockpiled and traded by speculators, users and producers alike, prices can wildly disconnect from supply and demand factors, misleading inflation expectations and intensifying social unrest. Over the past year … Continue reading

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Ford gets serious with electric F-150 and home back up power

Not only will these trucks be much cheaper to run than ICE versions, no one will need a loud, expensive, gas-powered backup home generator either.  Smart-tech is going mainstream, at last. The F-150 has been the best-selling vehicle in Canada … Continue reading

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