Daily Archives: June 7, 2021

Canadian malinvestment undermining strength and stability

Further to Wilful Blindness, first-quarter GDP data published last week shows that residential ‘investment’ reached nearly 9% of Canada’s GDP while business investment has plunged (both below since 1960). This is not the stuff of productivity growth.  This is the … Continue reading

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Sault Ste. Marie building largest smart grid of its kind in North America

Smarter energy solutions drastically reduce the amount of energy wasted in old tech systems. The Ontario Energy Board just approved the construction of the Sault Smart Grid, the largest project of its kind in North America. The smart grid promises … Continue reading

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Important read: Wilful Blindness

This week’s reading assignment is Wilful Blindness by investigative reporter Sam Cooper.  The book reads like a thriller, very engrossing…sadly, it is a true story about Canada and how our epidemics of narcotics, crime, money laundering, casinos and ludicrous real … Continue reading

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