Monthly Archives: September 2021

Record equity exposure into a decade of negative returns

Household wealth is more concentrated in equities today than at any time in the last 50 years, including the 2000 tech bubble top.  This is great for firms who make the richest fees issuing, trading and holding equities in client … Continue reading

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Markets rigged in favour of trust and law abusing-insiders

Ongoing revelations that politicians, central bank heads, and federal judges have joined corporate insiders in using advance notice of non-public information to execute self-enriching trades confirms what many of us have known for some time:  markets are rigged in favour … Continue reading

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Lacy Hunt explains the inflation and yield cycle

The hosts in this segment make the common misnomer of talking about bonds without specifying that they are talking about government bonds or “Treasuries,” but not corporate bonds.  Corporate bonds trade with the equity cycle and do not attract safe-haven … Continue reading

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