Lifestyle choices can avoid and repair cognitive decline

There are still no drugs that stop cognitive decline and dementia, but brain scientists now agree that lifestyle choices–in the area of diet, exercise, sleep and mental activities–can.

The 30-day Altzheimer Solution is a new book from neuroscientists and health advocates Drs. Dean and Ayesha Sherzai.

I love the recipes and accessible explanations of the science in this book.  Here is the Team Sherzai website.  Here is a direct audio link to their podcast.  One of many illuminating episodes is embedded below.

Join award-winning neurologists and researchers, Drs. Dean and Ayesha Sherzai, for a fun, innovative and inspirational approach to brain health and all matters concerning the remarkable human mind. This is the century of the brain, a time when our insights into this incredible organ are exploding at an unprecedented pace. Explore ways to take control of your own brain health, avoid chronic diseases that are devastating communities worldwide, and expand your mind’s capacity beyond anything you can imagine.

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